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Web Components On Fire

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This all started when I found an awesome CodePen with some bouncing rainbow text. As happens to me all the time these days, I thought to myself, “That could be a web component!” And a few lines of code later, the <hotfx-slinky> element was born. Now any text can be bouncing rainbow text.

Simple Slinky

To use the custom element yourself, add this script to your page:

Then wrap your content in a <hotfx-slinky> element. If you want a little more control over the animation, you can change some of the CSS variables that control it.

Control With CSS Variables

I was pretty pleased with myself at this point, but then I thought, people are going to want even more. And by people I mean myself. For instance, I already wanted horizontal movement instead of vertical movement. I was about to add another 5 variables and some more animations, but then I thought, this is never going to be enough for me....

Instead of adding more variables, I should just let people write their own CSS. Now we can get horizontal movement, or movement in three dimensions or whatever else you want.

Slinky with Custom CSS

The copied elements are in a shadow DOM, so we can’t style them directly. Instead use the ::part(copy) selector to get at them. There’s a problem with that however which is that you can’t set keyframes with it because your @keyframes rules are not inside the shadow DOM. So, the slinky element accepts a <template> element that just copies its contents into the shadow DOM, including any <style> tags.

Adding the template element also completely disables the default styles. If you want to just disable the default styles without adding your own, add the no-style attribute.

But wait... let’s back up for a second: What is really going on here? Like at the most basic level.

This is a custom element that duplicates it’s children a bunch of times and then gives colors to them as a CSS variable.

What if we just throw some attributes on this puppy to control all of that? Then we can really open up the possibilities.

In the demo below, you can control the number of elements created with the length attribute and change the start and end colors for the gradient. The rainbow attribute tells the component to take the long way around the color wheel when it does the transition between two colors.

Slinky with Attributes

Now we can add enough elements to make that 3D one feel like a real rainbow slinky.

3D Slinky

Each of these demos is unique but the basic idea here is the same. The slinky makes copies of elements and assigns two custom properties to them: --index which is the number of the copy and --color which is the color on the gradient. In case you need it, there’s also --length which is the same as the length attribute on the slinky.

Most of the animations with trails of elements involve setting an animation-delay property like calc(var(--index) * 50ms). Or you can just limit the maximum extent of the movement by using calc() with --index on the transform itself.

CSS is design silly putty—pure creative possibilities. Sometimes you just need more elements to play with. The slinky provides.

Slinky Insanity

So far we’ve been playing with the same text. Obviously you can change the text, but you can also use any DOM element. Here we’ve got a circle of burning poop spinning infinitely in space while it smiles at you. Delightful.

Poop Slinky

Shout out to Yuan Chuan and his <css-doodle> element for part of my inspiration. CSS Doodle makes a series of empty DOM elements which you can style however you want with a custom CSS syntax. Most of these simple text demos could be recreated using CSS doodle and a ::before or ::after pseudo element to add the text.

Is this even a good idea?

Obviously, the answer is “yes” because it has been a lot of fun. But there’s a more interesting question: should this be a custom element? Well, maybe not. Instead of putting one <h1> tag inside a <hotfx-slinky> and setting length=20, we could achieve the exact same thing by just copy/pasting 20 <h1> tags in our HTML. Then our slinky would work without any JavaScript at all.

But, let’s face it, who has time to be a purist these days? Writing this as a custom element makes things quite a bit easier. For one, the element makes our HTML much faster to understand and modify. If you want to go from a 10 elements in your slinky to 90, you’re just changing one number instead of adding a ton of markup.

Also these attributes can all be changed on the client and the element will re-render it’s DOM. That’s the only way to make this thing dynamic like we did with the attribute controls above.

This custom element also works regardless of your server-side language. There are probably just as many ways to repeat a part of page as there are templating engines. With our code running in the frontend, any backend works to serve it.

Too much JavaScript or reliance on it when you don’t need it is bad. But in this case, we are only relying on a little bit of JavaScript (about 100 lines or so) and if it breaks, the page will still be readable. Your users will surely never notice.